The employees must be setup to receive payslips by email as this will record their email address within the e-delivery module. Follow these steps to have the emails setup for employees:
- Go to Setup > Employees.
- Double-click an employee.
- Go to the Miscellaneous tab.
- Check the box beside Receive Payslips by Email.
- Enter their email address and password (which will be set by yourself and provided to employees).
- Click Save to confirm changes.
Generating the PDF:
- Go to Forms > T4s > Print
- Select ‘Supplementary’ under Select the form to be printed:
- Select ‘Recipient Copies’ under Print and click on the ‘Generate PDF’ button
Emailing the PDF:
The next step involves emailing the T4s to employees. You must verify that the T4s have been created prior to delivering the files.