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Harmony will produce ROEs based on the information stored in your employees' paycard history, in addition to the hire and termination dates in the employee profiles. The amounts shown in the ROE are not based on earnings precisely, but are based on the wage base associated with the Employment Insurance (EI) payroll tax that is shown on each paycard. Refer to the CRA website for more information:


  • All payrolls for the employee, including vacation payouts, are completed for the employee
  • The "Employment Status"  for the employee is changed to "Terminated" or "Inactive"
  • The employee's "Termination Date" is entered 
  • Know where your browser's default downloads folder is

Creating a Record of Employment 

  1. Navigate to Forms > ROE > Create ROE. 
  2. Verify the contact and issuer information. This will be the information that the government will contact you about the ROE, so be sure that this is accurate. 
  3. Select the appropriate employee(s) on the bottom-right side of the screen that you want to create ROEs for. 
  4. Click "Create" to create ROEs for your selected employee(s). 
  5. Click "OK" to confirm. The ROEs are now created. 

Editing and/or Viewing Records of Employment

You can also refer to CRA's guide to completing an ROE here:

  1. Click on the document icon next to each employee's name on the bottom-left side to view and/or edit the ROE. 
  2. There are three (3) tabs for entering ROE information. Most of the fields will automatically be filled, but some fields may require manual entry. 
    1. "ROE Information" tab confirms your employee's contact information. 
    2. "Boxes 15A-15C" tab provides paycard history for the employee. These amounts are the base wage recorded in your historical data for EI payroll tax. 
    3. "Other Payments" tab provides information about the employee's vacation balance owing at the time of termination (if any). 
  3. Click the save button to save your changes. 

Exporting Records of Employment to ROEWeb

Before exportingbe sure to verify your ROEs for accuracy. 

  1. Navigate to Forms > ROE > Export ROE (XML).
  2. Select the appropriate date range of when your ROEs were created. 
  3. Click "Load ROE" to load the ROEs that were made in your selected date range. These records will appear at the bottom of the screen, 
  4. Enter an "Export File Name". This will be the name of the file that will be downloaded to your browser's default downloads folder. 
  5. Select the appropriate "Processing Method"
  6. Use the checkboxes to select the ROEs that you want to export. 
  7. Click "Create XML" to download the ROEs. This file will be downloaded to your browser's default downloads folder, so be sure to know where this is. 
  8. In a new tab or window in your browser, go to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website and follow their instructions to upload the file you downloaded from Harmony.

Frequently-Asked Questions

I got an error message indicating that an element is invalid - what do I do? 

Your error message may say something like this: The 'FN' element is invalid - The value 'XXXXXX' is invalid according to its datatype 'FirstNameType' - The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value. 
