Field Name | Max Character Length |
Business Number | 15 |
Comments | 160 |
Employee Address (Line 1) | 35 |
Employee First/Given Name | 20 |
Employee Middle Name | 4 |
Employee Last/Family Name | 28 |
Employee Occupation | 40 |
Employee Postal Code | 10 |
Payroll Reference Number | 26 |
Social Insurance Number (SIN) | 9 |
If your error message says something like this instead: The cast to value type 'System.DateTime' failed because the materialized value is null. Either the result type's generic parameter or the query must use a nullable type.
This means that there is a date field in your ROE record that is missing. This may be the 'first day worked', 'last day for which period', etc. Please check the ROE record for all dates that must be filled out.