When tracking and managing time in Harmony's Time & Attendance module, you'll notice exception codes in the clock entries or timesheets. These exception codes  will provide more details and insight on the clock entry and time itself - such as if an employee missed a break or if an employee is late to clock in. Below, you'll find a list of all exception codes and their meanings. 

Exception CodeColorDefinition
IBMRed"In Break Missing": The employee did not clock into their break (i.e. did not take a break). 
ICEGreen"In Clock Early": The employee clocked into their shift early.
ICLOrange"In Clock Late": The employee clocked into their shift late.
ICMRed"In Clock Missing": The employee did not clock in for their shift.
ICOOrange"In Clock Out (of bounds)": The employee clocked into their shift, but was out of bounds according to the geofence.
OBEGreen"Out Break Early": The employee clocked out of their break early (i.e. shorter break).


"Out Break Late": The employee clocked out of their break late (i.e. longer break).

OBMRed"Out Break Missing": The employee did not clock out of their break (i.e. still on break).
OCARed"Out Clock Abnormal": There is an anomaly with the employee's clock entry.
OCEGreen"Out Clock Early": The employee clocked out of their shift early.
OCLOrange"Out Clock Late": The employee clocked out of their shift late.
OCMRed"Out Clock Missing": The employee did not clock out (i.e. still working). 
OCOOrange"Out Clock Out (of bounds)": The employee clocked out of their shift, but was out of bounds according to the geofence.